Will I be charged import taxes on my order?
Are fees included in my shipping?
No, these charges are imposed by the destination country and we are not able to control any applicable fees or charges.
Customs and import fees are the sole responsibility of the person receiving the parcel and are not included in the cost of delivery.
How much are the customs and import fees?
The fee varies and is determined by each country. By processing an order, you agree and acknowledge you may need to pay any customs and import fees that may occur, unfortunately we do not have control over this and thus cannot be held responsible.
We recommend you contact your local customs office regarding taxes and duties payable before placing your order or visiting the duty calculation website for an estimate
What if Import fees are higher than what my country charges?
If you believe you have been overcharged and you have checked with your local customs office in your country and still feel you have been overcharged, please reach out to us with supporting information such as emails or screenshots to and a friendly staff member will assist with your enquiry.
What if I don't pay the associated customs and import fees?
If you the customer refuse to pay the duties/taxes imposed by your country and your parcel is marked 'Return to Sender', then the shipping charges we incur both ways will be taken off any refunds requested on the customer's order. Any shipping fees paid are non refundable.
Please check with your country’s customs offices if you require further information.